Intrepid announces the Grating Penetration Collars (GPCs) are back by popular demand

After a 7-year hiatus, Intrepid is pleased to announce the return of Grating Penetration Collars, or GPCs.

By Paxton Guidroz |  Aug 26, 2021  1:30 PM

The collars can be bolted on in less time than it takes to weld banding or even attach split oversize pipe around these hazardous openings.

Besides the practicality and ease of installation, GPCs will also make a company compliant with both OSHA 1917.112(d) and OSHA 1910.29(k).  Thus, preventing dropped objects in the workplace.

In its return, Intrepid will offer the GPC-6 and GPC-X.  The GPC-6 is meant to encircle hole openings 6” in diameter, or less.  The GPC-X will help to widen the 6” opening when companies are faced with a row of pipe.

Click here for more information and to view our Grating Collars page.

For a more versatile product, check out Intrepid’s Toeboard Links by clicking here. 

Learn more about the OSHA 1917 standard

Learn more about the OSHA 1910 standard

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